Dose Omoruna

Personal Statement

Dose Omoruna is a multimedia artist living and working out of Toronto, Ontario, where he attends
Ontario College of Art & Design University. His work focuses on self-expression, layered
storytelling, Black culture, and visual interest through the use of vivid colours, dynamic characters,
and at times, comedic elements. These themes are expressed through an arsenal of multimedia
catalysts including digital illustrations, alcohol markers and ink drawings, paintings, prints, and
cinematography. Dose has exhibited work in the Chale Wote Street Art Festival of Ghana, Ghana’s
Canadian Embassy, Stikeman Elliot LLP Toronto, McKinsey & Co Toronto, and OCAD
University. Along with his exhibitions, Dose has curatorial credits in the 2023 McKinsey Fair, as
well as the Almeda Collective’s ‘Up to the Sky’ exhibition. Dose is working towards a Bachelor
of Fine Arts in OCAD University's Integrated Media Program. At OCAD, Dose is the events chair
for Almeda Collective, where he works with the executive team to build connections and
opportunities for the school's Black student body.

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